Avlening i stedet for spill? Nei!

Jeg besøker ofte frøken Karina på landstedet hennes, der jeg fungerer som slav. Jeg har husholdnings- og toalettplikter. Jeg gjør det dirtiest arbeid, rengjør huset, lager hennes mat. Maten jeg lager, spiser jeg senere i form av afføring som kommer ut av hennes løkke. Frøken har ro i landstedet sitt, og jeg gjør alt for å gjøre roen så behagelig som mulig. Lately, Karina has taken a great interest in computer games. Sometimes the game is so exciting to her that she does not want to be distracted by going to the toilet and doing some dirty procedures. I these cases, she uses my services. Karina calls for me, takes off her pantyhose, bares her beautiful ass, protrudes it outside the chair. I catch with my mouth all the delicious and aromatic chocolate sausages that come out of her anus. While she is playing, I have to serve her in full. That is, I have to take Karinas shit into mouth, eat it, and completely provide the cleanliness of her anus. Its a pity that my mouth usually is filled with her shit and I have no way to wipe her ass with my tongue. However, Mistress does not have to get her hands dirty, as I carefully wipe her anus with toilet paper. I get a very tasty treat from this beautiful woman. This is my lunch or dinner. Meanwhile, Karina gets the comfort that many dream of.

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