La comida de la vagina sigue entre las dos hombres y se vuelven más intimas y agresivas con el paso de los segundos! Mientras se ponen en diferentes posiciones y ruedan sus cuerpos entre sí, hacen que su heces se vuelva aún más sucia! No solo eso, ingieren heces mientras continúan con su actividad íntima!
Fishing in the Labia: Part 3
The pussy eating continues between the two poop-covered men and they get more intimate and aggressive with every passing second! As they get into different positions and rub their bodies on one another, they smear their poop even worse! Not only that, they ingest feces as they continue with their intimate activity!
Note: I assumed “ladies” referred to women, so I translated “pussy” as “labia” to maintain consistency with the previous parts of the title. Also, I assumed “poop-covered” referred to being covered in feces. If this is not the case, please let me know and I will make the necessary adjustments.