Extremo absoluto con el CBT! [/ (Absolute extreme CBT!)] [ (Do you want to know what absolute mercy looks like with Lady Chanel and myself? You want to see what it means to show no mercy to a loser? Lady Chanel and I will finish him. We beat his cock, step on it and hit it with the whip, giving it all our power! The pig screams and screams and we just go on. Smothering him with a pillow makes it a little quieter, but you can still hear the screaming! This is the most extreme ********** you’ve ever seen and yes, we’ll do it to you too if you don’t obey!) ]

Extremo absoluto con el CBT! [/ (Absolute extreme CBT!)]

¿Quieres saber qué significa tener absoluta merced con Lady Chanel y mi mismo? ¿Quieres ver lo que significa someterle a un perdedor? Lady Chanel y yo le terminarémos. Le batemos la vergüenza, le pisamos y le golpeamos con la látigo, le damos todo nuestro poder! El cochino grita y grita y nosotros solo seguimos. Aplastándolo con una almohada hace que se quiete un poco, pero aún se escuchan las gritas! Esto es el más extremo ********** que has visto y, sí, lo haremos tú también si no obedeces!

[ (Do you want to know what absolute mercy looks like with Lady Chanel and myself? You want to see what it means to show no mercy to a loser? Lady Chanel and I will finish him. We beat his cock, step on it and hit it with the whip, giving it all our power! The pig screams and screams and we just go on. Smothering him with a pillow makes it a little quieter, but you can still hear the screaming! This is the most extreme ********** you’ve ever seen and yes, we’ll do it to you too if you don’t obey!) ]

¿Quieres saber qué significa tener absoluta merced con Lady Chanel y mi mismo? ¿Quieres ver lo que significa someterle a un perdedor? Lady Chanel y yo le terminarémos. Le batemos la vergüenza, le pisamos y le golpeamos con la látigo, le damos todo nuestro poder! El cochino grita y grita y nosotros solo seguimos. Aplastándolo con una almohada hace que se quiete un poco, pero aún se escuchan las gritas! Esto es el más extremo ********** que has visto y, sí, lo haremos tú también si no obedeces!

[ (Do you want to know what absolute mercy looks like with Lady Chanel and myself? You want to see what it means to show no mercy to a loser? Lady Chanel and I will finish him. We beat his cock, step on it and hit it with the whip, giving it all our power! The pig screams and screams and we just go on. Smothering him with a pillow makes it a little quieter, but you can still hear the screaming! This is the most extreme ********** you’ve ever seen and yes, we’ll do it to you too if you don’t obey!) ]”>Ver Video Completo