Women Refer to Him as Mr. Toilet!

Women do not view him as a person, instead, they think of him when they feel the need to defecate. In his company, they feel at ease, releasing the contents of their bowels into him, as his mouth, to them, is a toilet, a hole for them to shit into. He consumes feces as if they were pancakes, much to the delight of the women. A married man has discovered his dark desire – serving as a toilet bowl for a group of women. He sees these women in the morning, without makeup, drowsy and unwashed, and they often pass gas in his presence (they are not embarrassed by him), and he can smell them – he adores their natural scent and loves them entirely, including their smelly, morning odors and tastes. This video clearly showcases the slave’s intense passion for female feces – he sees the feces exit the female anus and feels an urgent desire to consume it, to savor its taste and texture.

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