Women Defecate on Me Every Time I Serve Them! Christina Dances as She Does It!

I take pleasure in women performing distasteful acts upon me. I find it particularly exciting when they express disgust towards the smell of feces, especially when it’s from another woman. Despite this, I am always at their service, ready to receive their waste without protest. The act of consuming their feces is both cruel and satisfying, and I find it to be a unique delicacy.

Swallowing their waste allows me to fully experience their inner world, as I savor every last taste. This includes every undigested morsel, every nut, and every fruit that they have consumed. I have even tasted the remnants of their husband’s semen on occasion. Christina and Jana, in particular, seem to enjoy this act, as they have manfriends who enjoy anal sex. However, Christina must deny him this pleasure due to her work.

I have not engaged in traditional sex for over a year, and I find great pleasure in watching my “princesses” being pleasured by their partners. I often ask women about their sex lives, and they are happy to share with me, as I am merely their toilet. I have noticed that women’s feces are particularly warm during ovulation.

Christina is especially beautiful and delicious. I am thrilled when her anus expands in front of me, and her warm and sweet feces fill my mouth and spill onto my face. I immediately immerse my tongue in it, eager to fully experience the taste. She then allows me to eat, as she dances on top of me, stepping on my stomach and chest, causing me discomfort. But her feces are so delicious, they are the main taste I crave. Today, her feces were particularly hard, making it more challenging to swallow than usual.

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