Traipsing Through the Woods: A Tale of Toilet Play

Indulge in this sordid tale of outdoor play and degradation, as our protagonist, a connoisseur of all things filthy, finds herself in need of relieving herself during a walk in the forest. Accompanied by her faithful slave Kat, she decides to make use of her services instead of waiting to return home.

Kat, adorned in a white hooded jacket, is ordered to lie down and open her mouth wide, creating the illusion of a toilet rim. Our protagonist then proceeds to defecate into Kat’s mouth, filling it with large chunks of waste.

Flies are immediately drawn to the pile of feces that has formed on Kat’s face, solidifying her role as a living toilet. Our protagonist then uses her foot to push the remaining waste into Kat’s mouth, ensuring not to touch it with her hands.

Covered in feces, our protagonist is grateful for Kat’s snow-white jacket, which she uses to wipe herself clean. She then returns home by car, leaving Kat to walk home all in shit, allowing everyone to see her as the shit-eater and living toilet that she is.

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