Three-Day Megalog Push: Constipated Struggle

Embarking on another custom request, I indulged in a three-day binge of my most constipating foods: oats, bananas, and coconut for breakfast and lunch. The video starts with me relishing a hearty plate of these colon-clogging delights while engaging in delightfully dirty talk. Firmly committed to creating the ultimate constipation experience, I assumed the birthing position to showcase the ensuing struggle.

Following the three-day food marathon, my belly was bloated, and a heavy sensation lingered in my lower abdomen, indicating an immense, hard, dry mass of excrement obstructing my colon. I began to exert forceful efforts, straining and pushing to expel the stubborn log. Taking deep breaths, I mustered all my strength, and with a Herculean push, the tip of the stinky mass emerged, albeit slightly.

Undeterred, I persisted, grunting and moaning as I pushed and strained. My anus stretched wide, and with great difficulty, a colossal, rock-hard, clumped up log slowly emerged. An overwhelming sense of relief washed over me, and I surrendered to the blissful afterglow. Turning my attention to the gargantuan turd, I admired it from various angles, feeling compelled to pick it up and examine its heft and texture.

Unable to contain my excitement, I sniffed the pungent log, commenting on its potent aroma. I confessed my love for the dominant scent, attributing it to my insatiable desire to be penetrated. The video concludes with the massive log still in my grasp, leaving viewers to ponder its eventual fate.

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