Severe and Unrelenting Liquified Waste Forced Consumption

This is the utmost ruthless and brutal method to torment a toilet slave, and it has undoubtedly yielded the most petrified reaction I have ever elicited from a slave to date. Here’s why:
My toilet slave is presented with two options. Consume the excrement drop by drop as it liquefies throughout the day, or…attempt to resist consumption, just as this imbecile did.
Once the reservoir of runny, liquid excrement fills both the mouth and nasal passages, the true terror sets in.
Ever witnessed excrement leak out of a slave’s nose? No? Well, here’s your chance.
Of course, now that there’s no oxygen to be had, he has no choice but to gasp for air, right? Wait until you see the consequences of such actions. Just look at his eyes in the preview!!!
I knew this 30-minute video would be EXCRUCIATING to watch from start to finish. So, let the tension build and enjoy the first five minutes. Because I seriously doubt you’ll be able to endure the last five minutes, let alone masturbate to it. And if you can, I absolutely must arrange a session with you.

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