Ruthless Diarrhea Outburst, a Delight for the Sadistic

Oh, dear! My belly is tormenting me with excruciating cramps! I barely held back my bowels numerous times before this video started. I had to interrupt my activities to rush to the bathroom urgently. I knew it was going to be a torrential and intense bout. Of course, I wouldn’t deprive you of this pleasure 😉 So, despite my desperate urgency, I set up the camera for your viewing pleasure. I barely made it to the toilet seat, avoiding a complete mess of my alluring leggings. I sit down, and the onslaught begins. I loudly shart, and a liquid diarrhea geyser erupts. I clutch my stomach as it convulses. Many more sharts and jets of purely liquid diarrhea follow. This is entirely my fault; I indulged in those delightful sugar-free candies again, which, unbeknownst to me, are extremely laxative. I twist around to offer you a rear view of the spectacle. The sharting and diarrhea splattering continue relentlessly. I ponder how much longer I need to endure this. Then, I notice I’ve splattered diarrhea all over the toilet seat. Oops. Eventually, when I find some respite in my tormented stomach, I treat you to an extreme close-up of the excremental chaos, including the filthy toilet and toilet seat. What next? Perhaps I’ll indulge in some sugar-free candies to process this experience, hehe.

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