Proper Nourishment for the Slave-Woman: Watermelon and Feces

I am a strong advocate for a well-balanced diet. My slave-woman, who handles my toilet duties, partakes in a regimen of vegetable products, fruits, and vegetables, all with an addition of feces. At first, this new diet proved to be a challenge for her to accept. However, through persistence and consistency, she has grown accustomed to it and now even finds pleasure in it. She has become my loyal toilet, always eager for her next meal of feces. She cannot live without it now.

Nutritious Breakfast for the Slave-Woman: Watermelon and Feces

How dare you start your day without my permission. Come here, I will prepare a nutritious breakfast for you: watermelon and feces. Here, have a taste of these fragrant feces. Now eat, you live with me and you will eat my feces every day. Make sure to eat every last bite. While we eat my feces, you feel the urge to defecate? How fitting, you are just like a sewer. Eat the feces and defecate. Defecate and don’t forget to thank your Mistress for this delicious, nutritious breakfast.

Eat Fruit with Feces. What, Tasty?

It’s lunchtime. Bring me some fruit, slave. And bring your plate. Here, have some fruit. Stop! I will defecate on them first. Now eat. Eat everything. What, scum, is it tasty? Finally learned to eat my feces. Eat, chew, I want you to eat all the feces. Or you will go to sleep near the toilet bowl today. Eat with drool, or I will urinate in your mouth. Lick the feces off your plate. You are nothingness, your place is under my ass, always eating my feces. Get back to your place, toilet scum. Wait there for the evening, in my stomach I am preparing a stinking treat for you.

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