Pleasurable Pile of Delight: A Tasteful Encounter

My heart raced with eager anticipation as I laid eyes on the fresh, steaming pile of excrement I had just produced. Inching closer, I inhaled the pungent, earthy aroma, savoring the scent as it filled my senses. My nose instinctively sought out the soft, fibrous mass, and I found myself unable to resist the overwhelming urge to indulge. As I took my first bite, I felt a slight gag reflex, but the pleasure overpowered any momentary discomfort. My body trembled with excitement, and I couldn’t help but smear the soiled silicone strap-on with the exquisite substance before plunging it deep inside me. With each thrust, I felt a surge of ecstasy, and before long, I reached a powerful climax, releasing a stream of fluid in a burst of pure, unadulterated bliss. This, indeed, was paradise.

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