On Such Days, I Experience a Flurry of Bathroom Breaks

There are instances when I evacuate my bowels frequently. It’s not just that I defecate often, but also that I do so multiple times a day. On such days, I am plagued with diarrhea.

1. A copious flow of diarrhea bursts from my posterior. Oh, what a relief to empty my bowels today. Initially, I was reluctant to defecate, so I inserted my preferred plug in my anus. It stimulated me, and I passed a large stool. But then, an explosion occurred. My stomach churned rapidly, and I barely had time to sit down before a torrent of diarrhea gushed out of my posterior. It was captivating, such a pleasure to be relieved. My anus couldn’t believe it was empty for a while, and it continued to push and push, expelling more feces. It was so satisfying, so delightful.

2. I defecated thrice that day. I evacuated my bowels frequently, at times, in large quantities. There are days when my toilet servants and feces-eaters are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of feces. I defecated thrice that day. First, a semi-solid stool came out, unlocking my anus, then I passed a pile of soft feces, and the third time, I barely made it to the toilet, but I didn’t have time to sit down, and I defecated all over the toilet bowl. Look how dirty it is now. But, it wasn’t enough. The next day, right in the morning, I defecated a pear-shaped stool, there it is, hard on one side, and creamy soft on the other. You want to take a bite, I know you’re drooling right now.

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