Lady Scarlet – Marks of Desire on the Bed

Tonight, my friends Gaia and Gabriella join me in skipping a night out. Instead, we indulge in room service, as a generously proportioned dinner is served directly to our bed. Gaia, positioned in the center, takes the lead in devouring the feast before us, while Gabriella and I share in savoring his arms. We bite down hard, leaving deep marks with our teeth, revealing our insatiable hunger.

We leave no part of our meal untouched – hands, fingers, arms, hips, belly – all are fair game. Gaia signals to the abundance of flesh on the belly, inviting us to join in. We oblige, sinking our teeth in together, accompanied by the desperate cries of our slave, begging for mercy.

Our hunger satiated, we admire our handiwork – the marks of our teeth etched into his flesh, bringing us great satisfaction.

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