Lady Scarlet – Carried Like a Baby

CUSTOM REQUEST – I take pleasure in unexpected surprises.
I will pretend to resist and insist that you carry me like a baby, despite your initial intention to lift and carry me.
As we meet, I will challenge you and invite you to assert your strength and teach me to respect women.
I will say, “Lady Scarlet, you cannot carry me, for the woman is the weaker sex, and the man is the stronger one. The man who carries a woman like a baby is the one in charge.”
As the video begins, you respond, “Alright, Amr, if I carry you in a cradle position, you must obey my commands, submit to my authority, and respect my dominance.”
You then proceed to carry me in a cradle hold, taking control and rendering me helpless.
Facing the camera, you say, “Now I carry you in a cradle. You are under my control like a baby, unable to resist. Witness your feet in the air, while mine remain on the ground. I am your boss now. You should send me an email confessing your mistake.”
You instruct me to write, “I admit that women have become the stronger sex, while men have become the weaker one. I admit that women have become those who carry men like a baby. I admit that women are the superior sex. I surrender myself completely to you and to women.”
Initially, I resist, saying, “Put me down, put me down.”
But you reply, “No, Amr, I will put you down when I am ready, not now. Beg me! If I put you down now, you will receive a humiliating punishment.”
Eventually, you put me down and command, “Kiss my feet, Amr. I command you to remove your pants and ejaculate in front of me. Come on, baby, admit your defeat!”
As you hold me in a cradle, you remind me, “See how I carried you like a baby… After about 1 minute, you tell me, ‘Good man.’
Then you carry me on your shoulder and spank me playfully, asking, ‘Am I stronger than you? Are women the strongest sex?’
Finally, you set me down and lead me away.

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