Lady Scarlet – Black or White Boots?

Tonight, Lady Scarlet is faced with a dilemma – which boots to wear for her night out with friends. She’s torn between her sleek white boots and her edgy black ones, both of which she finds comfortable and attractive. In an attempt to make a decision, she turns to her doormat for advice. However, his answer leaves much to be desired. He suggests that she not wear any boots at all, fearing the punishment that may come his way. But little does he know, his fear is well-founded. Lady Scarlet is not pleased with his answer and decides to teach him a lesson.

She begins by climbing on top of him, her white boots firmly planted on his abdomen. The sharp heels dig into his skin, leaving distinct marks as she walks and jumps on top of him. Despite his cries and protests, she continues her torment, only stopping to allow him to help her remove the white boots. But the break is short-lived, as she quickly replaces them with her black boots.

The black boots prove to be just as painful, if not more so, as Lady Scarlet continues her assault on the doormat. He screams and yells, begging for mercy and telling her that he prefers the white boots. But it’s too late for apologies. Lady Scarlet is determined to make him pay for his earlier insubordination, and she doesn’t plan on stopping until she’s satisfied.

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