Indulging in Hard Shit Feeding

To you, you are merely a receptacle for my excretions, your existence centered around consuming my waste. Your duty is to devour all that I provide you. To initiate this process, I shall place an opener in your foul mouth, one that you are no longer permitted to close. You are to consume everything without question or resistance. Should you fail to consume all that I give you, you will not be allowed to clean yourself. If you vomit, you will be made to consume even more. These are your conditions, ones that you have willingly accepted. Take pride in your work, for it is an honor to serve in this capacity. All you are capable of is consuming my waste and expressing gratitude. Once you have assumed this position, there is no turning back. Witness the transformation of a person into a human toilet. This fate also awaits you, as it has long been your unspoken desire. Once you have viewed this video, there is no going back. The only question that remains is when will you join the ranks of the human toilets.

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