I Love Soaking in a Shitty Bath

Experience the joy of a dirty, filthy shit bath. The water turns a murky brown, as the smell of feces fills the air, seeping into your pores and being absorbed into every cell. It’s beautiful, exciting, and relaxing all at once. I love soaking in a shitty bath after a scat sex session, and I especially enjoy shitting in the bath to fully enjoy the perversity of it all.

Wash me, slavewoman, I’m still covered in shit. After another satisfying scat sex session, I instruct my slavewoman to wash me. If I don’t do it myself, she’ll be running around covered in shit all day. Together, we clean each other, filling the tub with filthy, shit-colored water. A pleasant aroma of old farts lingers in the air. The slavewoman carefully tries to wipe the dried shit off me, but she can never seem to do it properly. My entire face remains covered in shit, as does everything around me – the bath, the walls. I’ll have to clean myself up again, and the slavewoman will receive a good spanking when she gets out of the bath.

I take pleasure in shit, bathing with shit. I love shitting in the bath and bathing in shit. I enjoy the smell of shit hanging over the water, and I take the shit in my hands, catching it from the water and smearing it all over my body and face. It’s delightful to sit in a bath of shit. And my husband, always spying on me, can’t help but watch me play in the shit, even though I’ve told him not to.

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