Hairy Pussy Shits, Shits, and Shits Again

In this trio of videos, a woman with a hairy pussy graces the screen with her defecation scenes. The first video showcases her pushing out a stool, her anus strained from the effort. She imagines a submissive slave’s tongue entering her anus, extinguishing the fire and providing relief. The shit slowly emerges, and she slides off the toilet, content and relieved. The second video features an elephantine shit, with the toilet bowl filling up rapidly. The sheer volume of the shit is almost overwhelming, and one wonders if she will be able to flush it away. The final video captures a bout of diarrhea, with the shit coming out in a continuous stream. Throughout each video, the woman longs for a helpful toilet slave, eager to eat the shit that emerges from her anus. This is the ultimate treat, a delicacy that she savors in her mind.

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