Festival of Backed-Up Logs: A Tale of Three Clogged Toilets

Welcome to the Festival Constipation Diaries! I’m currently living it up at one of my favorite festivals, surrounded by over 50,000 people and enduring endless lines for the restroom. As a frequent traveler, I often struggle with constipation, but it’s especially bad at this festival. Every bowel movement I’ve had here has been a massive, thick, dry, lumpy, constipated log. And I couldn’t resist sharing this experience with you!

It’s incredibly embarrassing to keep all those people waiting in line while I’m struggling to go. I try to be as quiet as possible, breathing and pushing like I’m in labor, trying not to make a sound. But with the thin walls of the toilet stalls, it’s impossible not to be heard. And yet, the humiliation turns me on, as evidenced by my soaking wet pussy.

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