Feeding Slaves My Feces in Tiny Morsels

How do you savor a chocolate bar – do you cram the entire bar into your mouth at once, or do you slowly chew bite-sized, manageable chunks? This video demonstrates my successful technique in feeding first-time shit eaters, enabling them to swallow without any mess.

The crucial aspect is maintaining the slave’s hard cock, allowing him to teeter on the brink of orgasm as I push and break off the smallest of chunks directly into his throat below me, ensuring a snug seal between my anus and his lips.

Men with rigid cocks, oozing with pre-cum, can achieve astonishing feats, often surpassing their own expectations.

Observe that once I permit him to ejaculate, he can no longer swallow, instead spitting, gagging, and retching. Please note the diminutive size of the melted chunk he spat out – roughly the same size I deposit deep into his throat. These tiny morsels are challenging to catch with the tongue and, once lodged that deep, trigger the natural reaction to swallow.

All in all, he swallowed approximately 10 such chunks without complaint… until he climaxed at the end. Indeed, this was his maiden voyage into swallowing.

Mistress Wael

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