Eisuke’s Brown, Icky Mess!

Eisuke could no longer tolerate the sensation of a fecal tip protruding from her anus while walking. The sight of the toilet brought her relief, as she lowered her panties and relaxed her ass cheeks, which had been tensed for hours. The chilly day caused her anus to contract and release a small fart as she purse her lips, allowing her grumbling belly to push out the largest turd of the week. Her lower abdomen had felt so full all day that she was surprised by the size of the turd. The turd’s large head was round and hard, causing her anus to stretch as it struggled to exit. The feces were a mix of several days’ worth of food, giving off a potent, innards-like odor. The poop finally broke free with a loud pop before landing in the toilet with a nauseating, slick sound.

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