Collection of Films: Feeding, Painting, and Cleaning a Living Toilet

Dear viewers, I am thrilled to present a collection of films featuring my slave, who I have painted, fed a kilogram of feces, and transformed into a living toilet. These moments bring me great joy and awe, and I plan to repeat the experience. I am already contemplating new, more challenging scenarios. Watch and enjoy! Love, [your name]

1. Feeding and Painting the Slave: On this occasion, I decided to redecorate, painting my slave and turning him into a statue. His mouth served as a paint bucket, and I filled it with paint, covering every inch of his body. I even painted his teeth and tongue. I then fed him a kilogram of my feces, instructing him to swallow without chewing. Learn to consume large amounts of feces!

2. Feeding a Kilogram of Feces and Shitting in the Mouth: Today, I will feed you feces until it reaches your ears. I will defecate into your mouth, and you will consume it all. Open your mouth, eat, swallow without chewing. I admire the red color, a remarkable toilet bowl. Add paint to your mouth and swallow, consuming it along with the feces. I want you painted on the inside. It’s enjoyable to have a living toilet beneath me, ready to defecate. Well done, consume my feces, drink my urine, eat everything I feed you! You are a real living toilet.

3. Feeding Feces and Cleaning My Toilet: I have fed a kilogram of feces to my slave and toilet. At the end, he began to vomit, but I forced it back into his mouth. It’s time to clean and wash the toilet. Open your mouth wide, I will clean your mouth with soap, and you will rinse with urine. Now, let’s clean the rim of the toilet – the teeth. I’ve inscribed “WC” on his chest, so all know his role.

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