Camping Dump n Dissect

I’m enjoying a fantastic festival, reveling in the freedom of nudity while masturbating in my tent. My friends and other festival-goers are scattered around, some in their tents and some out. Suddenly, I’m struck with an intense need to defecate. The toilets are too far and unappealing, and I’m too shy to be seen by my friends or others while relieving myself in the bushes. So, I bide my time and make a break for it, dashing out of my tent in the nude and into the undergrowth.

I navigate my way through the twigs, searching for a secluded spot. Just as I find one, my friend starts calling my name. Embarrassed, I reply and manage to escape detection. I settle down in my chosen spot and exhibit my naked form for your viewing pleasure. There’s something thrilling about being wild in the wild!

At last, I’m able to relieve myself, releasing a massive amount of feces in a doggy style position. The contents are a strange array of colors, likely due to some supplements I’ve taken. I find the pile fascinating and decide to dissect it, using a stick to probe the contents. It’s thick and sticky, with some parts clumpy and others softer. The colors vary strangely on the inside as well. Do you notice anything unusual?

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