Ady Scarlet – Puppy Playdate

Ady Scarlet visits her friend, Dea Samantha, who, like her, owns a dog. Today, the two pooches will meet for the first time. The initial interaction is tense, with the dogs growling at each other, but with patience, cuddles, and scoldings, the animals begin to warm up to each other. Ady and Dea discuss their training methods and compare their pets’ abilities. After letting the dogs sniff each other, they engage in a game of fetch. Both women are pleased with their dogs’ temperaments and continue to train them to follow commands. Ady demonstrates how she has taught her dog to clean her boots after their daily walk, and Dea is eager to try the same with hers. They take their dogs to the park for a playdate, where the animals continue to get to know each other.

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