A Most Delightful Toilet Experience – Full Movie

Mistress Fuka desired a regal experience today, and so she placed two of her male slaves on the floor. Gaku and Daiju were appropriately unassuming, and did not make a sound as Mistress Fuka stripped down to her soiled undergarments. Her bottom was preparing to fill these elderly men with excrement. With her backside as smooth as cold metal on a toilet, Mistress Fuka gasped as she released a large burst of flatulence on Gaku’s face. Gaku tasted the foul odor and swallowed it, taking care to savor every bit of the putrid air. He opened his mouth again as the Mistress’s anus bloomed into full view, revealing the hardened feces hiding within. The feces whistled slightly as it slid down, no doubt because of its girth and hardness, and Gaku’s tongue recoiled from the taste – it was bitter, salty, and sweet all at once. It was a taste of heaven. Daiju felt a little left out in the beginning, being the one in charge of cleaning the Mistress’s wonderful bottom after she emptied her bowels into Gaku’s face, but he relished in the task.

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