Two Toilet Poops: Constipation & Diarrhea ft. Blonde French Cassie!

Who is this enigmatic blonde French woman, relieving herself in Cassie’s bathroom?

Cassie, after a long hiatus, has returned with a brand new look – blonde! She hopes her fans will enjoy her new appearance as much as they did her fiery red hair. Although her French may not be perfect, she believes that her audience will still grasp the context without any trouble. It adds to the exotic allure, doesn’t it?

This video features multiple trips to the toilet, complete with farting, peeing, and pooping sounds. Witness a constipated poop, followed by a looser one. Both are accompanied by plenty of dirty toilet paper wipes. During the constipated poop, the log comes out more horizontally, giving you a clear view of the process. Each toilet trip includes flushing sounds, for those who enjoy such details.

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