Diamonds Booty Eruptions Result in Erections!

The video’s title encapsulates its content perfectly! We challenge you to resist the growing arousal as you watch these three phenomenal clips! A hint of urine, a touch of feces, and an abundance of explosive, camera-splattering diarrhea from Diamond will certainly do the trick! She enjoys her work more than any other scat model on the internet, and even her coworkers join in on occasion! She doesn’t require a co-star in this video, as this woman is truly inimitable! A regular customer and I were discussing today how I struggle to pick a favorite among all the talented women. However, clips like this one make me reconsider my top picks! Diamond’s Assault is once again securing her spot in my top three! Some of the splashes were almost close enough to jump out of the bowl and hit me in the face in this one! Witness three fantastic clips showcasing Peeing, Flatulence, and Defecation!

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