Training the Submissive: A Unique Cooking Experience

Welcome to a one-of-a-kind culinary experience, where the dish being prepared is far from ordinary. In this unique “cooking class,” two individuals are creating a concoction like no other – a mixture of urine, vomit, and feces. Their chosen taste tester? A submissive male participant who must consume every bit of the foul mixture they create.

The women take turns puking and urinating into the bowl, stirring it to create a “creamy broth” for the male to consume. But they don’t stop there – they also want to give him a taste of the “fresh and raw ingredients,” so they urinate and defecate directly onto his face and body, ensuring that every part of him is coated in their waste.

This is not a cooking class for the faint of heart – only the most submissive and obedient individuals will be able to handle this unique and degrading experience.

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