The Grande Poo Party!

Working as the sole restroom steward in the entire edifice, I am privileged to witness a constant stream of exquisite women, their delightful derrieres offering up their prized treasures for my appreciation. These gems present themselves in logs and chocolate-like morsels, generously gifted from their snug orifices throughout the day. One lady, after expelling a quart of pungent yellow paste that carried a distinct fishy aroma, rose from her throne. Another left behind a supple, buttery substance, allowing for endless manipulation, as it did not quickly disintegrate, but spread with the consistency of fine butter. The final woman was particularly captivating, as she granted me the honor of observing her employ a captivating new enema, freshly plucked from her bag. With a graceful motion, she allowed the precious liquid to flow from her body, cascading into my outstretched hands and ultimately finding its way down my eager throat. I could gladly continue this dance of defecation for an eternity.

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