Landlord Forcibly Turned into a Human Toilet

The lecherous landlord attempted to spy on his tenant while she was showering. However, when he was unable to exit the apartment, he realized he was no longer in control. The woman, Chizue, stripped the older man, asserting her dominance. She slapped him hard across the chest, berating him for his frail physique, voyeuristic tendencies, and pitiful existence. Her firm fingers left harsh welts on his chest and back. Chizue kicked him across the floor and pulled down her underwear, further punishing the elderly man. He was about to undergo an unforgettable experience. Squatting directly onto the landlord’s face, Chizue made various facial expressions, releasing days-old feces into the man’s mouth. She farted generously, filling her new toilet’s mouth with a bitter and sweet taste. The landlord opened his mouth wider, allowing Chizue better access to his throat. The feces were rancid and nearly black, oozing out of her tight anus. The smell filled the room, reminiscent of bad fish and spoiled meat. The initial pieces fell into the man’s mouth, and he struggled to chew them, fearing the consequences. Chizue pressed down on the man’s face, ensuring no morsel of her excrement was lost. She heard him slurping and grinding his teeth inside, spreading the foul paste across his mouth cavity. Pushing his face to the floor, Chizue shoved a small piece of feces into the slave’s mouth. This was only the beginning of his training.

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