Training Excrement Submission: Breaking of a Slave’s Will

At first glance, she appears to be a successful businesswoman, but her sweet demeanor hides a darker side. The unsuspecting man thinks he will be spending time with a submissive female, but he couldn’t be more wrong. She treats him like a pet, taking him for a walk in public to demonstrate her control. He begins to understand his role, but he has no idea what awaits him when they return to her place.

She serves him a dish filled with innards and orders him to eat, despite his initial disgust. Her scat is unexpectedly pleasant-smelling, surprising him as he’s never experienced such a scent before. When he hesitates to eat, she quickly takes action, whipping him until he is willing. Although he eventually complies, he still tries to resist consuming her excrement. She responds by whipping him again, breaking his will, and forcing him to eat.

Unhappy with his progress, she takes matters into her own hands, scooping the contents of the bowl and pouring them into his mouth. He eats it all, reluctantly, and she remains unsatisfied. He learns his place and submits to her, no matter what she demands.

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