Lady Scarlet – Boot Party

This evening, Lady Scarlet and her three friends plan to enjoy some drinks at a new local bar to warm up on a rainy night. Upon entering, they wipe their wet and muddy boots on a man serving as a human doormat. As they wait for their drinks, they decide to liven up the atmosphere by ordering the doormat to join them at their feet. They place their boots on him, scolding the bartender for taking too long to serve them.

Finally, their drinks arrive, and the party begins. They continue to mistreat the doormat, kicking and stepping on him, while their laughter fills the room. The bartender becomes their next target. Excited, they force him to his knees, slapping, scratching, and mocking him, spitting their drinks in his face.

Exhausted, the two men are saved by the sound of the closing bell. This is a night they will not forget.

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