Conferring the Daily Blessing upon the Submissive Loser

I ask the hapless individual if he is prepared for his daily endowment. I then squat down, unleashing a massive, piping hot, and pungent dump onto the pitiful cuckold’s face, demonstrating his inferior status. The depths of his degradation is such that he achieves an erection from this most vile form of treatment. I seize hold of his loser boner, mocking him as I stroke him and eliciting moans and pleas for release. The sight of him, aroused by this humiliation, is pitiful beyond belief.

Rising above him, I apply pressure to his throat with the heel of my shoe, contemplating ending his life. Such is his wretched state that he would willingly accept death beneath the foot of a dominant woman, with her foul-smelling excrement covering his face. This is how his lifeless body would be discovered: a heel-inflicted wound to the throat, and a pile of stinking waste upon his face. I decide to spare him, however, as there are still many more degradations I wish to inflict.

I pick up the camera to document his degradation, taunting him as he mutters about worshipping my excrement and extolling its pleasant aroma. To further torment him, I permit him to rub his erect penis, contemplating release in the presence of my waste. Then, just as he is on the cusp of climax, I order him to stop. Since he finds pleasure in this lowest form of humiliation, he is unworthy of release. I depart to attend to errands, leaving him in this state until my return.

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