Personal Human Toilet: Indulging in a Shower of Generosity

Greetings, my loyal human toilet! Nothing thrills me more than finding you in your designated position, prepared with an open mouth, awaiting my arrival to grace you with my presence and the pleasure of using you as my personal lavatory! To reward your devoted service, I present to you an overwhelmingly bountiful goddess excretion!
My insatiable appetite for cleanliness necessitates that I enlist the assistance of my little simpleton to meticulously clean my posterior using their diligent tongue. By doing so, I conserve a considerable amount of toilet paper, while also transforming this mundane task into an erotic spectacle.
As I bask in the pleasure of being thoroughly cleaned, I casually reach back, making contact with the pitiful erection of my slave, contained within their pink undergarments – a clear indication of their arousal from their submissive role as my human toilet paper. My degrading actions serve to heighten my own arousal, affording me the opportunity to grant my slave the privilege of servicing my wet femininity while positioned on their knees – the only appropriate location for such a lowly creature.
To conclude this humiliating yet satisfying encounter, I place my foot on their face, compelling them to pay homage to it as if it were a divine deity, while they remain in their designated role as a pathetic loser.

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