Group Shit Feeding from Three Women

Experience the intensity of a group shit feeding from three women. The atmosphere is electric, filled with distinct smells and tastes that must be experienced firsthand to be understood. The women grow impatient when I take too long to swallow, urging me to hasten my consumption. To determine the order of the feeding, they cast dice. After serving three women, you feel like an used toilet bowl, yet a strange desire to serve even more women in a single session intensifies.

Cristina defecated a foul-smelling green pile of shit, surprising us both with its unusual color. Cristina suggested that the green hue may have been caused by the ice cream or digestion tablets she consumed the previous day.

Yana’s shit was as usual, viscous and challenging to swallow due to its taste and consistency. It has a distinct sweetish smell and a large number of grains that crunch loudly when chewed.

The taste of Amina’s shit is indescribable; it is rock-hard and requires thorough chewing to swallow. As you chew, the taste becomes more pronounced, revealing a sharp and sugary flavor that clings strongly to the teeth.

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