Defeated: A Day of Submission

Today, I was defeated. I am deeply disappointed in myself. The first to approach me was Yana, who had consumed fish and kiwi. I felt the crunch of bones in my mouth as she fed them to me, followed by a large quantity of diarrhea. I managed to take four large sips, but there was still more, and some of it spilled onto the table. It is challenging to keep liquid and warm diarrhea in my stomach, and I immediately began to feel unwell. Despite the unpleasant taste, I swallowed it all as quickly as I could. Yana left me, used and satisfied.
The sound of high heels announced the arrival of the next woman. I didn’t know if it would be Christina or Karina, but I was already feeling anxious. Both Christina and Karina have their own unique challenges when it comes to swallowing. Karina arrived with a smile, clearly excited for her turn. I did my best, but eventually, I reached my limit. My throat refused to cooperate, and I had to use a safe word. Karina left the rest of her diarrhea in my mouth.
Next came Christina. Even though I had already reached my limit, she still made me drink her urine and began to defecate. I tried to start swallowing again, but the taste of her feces made me realize that I was completely spent. Christina was unhappy with me and spat in my face before leaving. But the person I was most disappointed in was myself. I had failed to be a good toilet for these women, and I couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

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