A Heap-Record Breaker! I Nearly Lost Control! My Mouth Was on Fire!

10:37 Christina: I’m ready!
10:40 Bernar: Wow, we agreed to meet after four in the afternoon?
10:41 Christina: I can’t wait any longer.
10:45 Bernar: At least for lunch?
10:47 Christina: The sooner, the better.
10:48 Christina: I had a lot of mangoes yesterday.

I’m going to share my genuine experiences from this scat session, just as they happened – I find it easier to remember than to make up stories. I’m still in awe – it was an incredibly large heap, and I’ve long wanted to eat such a massive pile, even though it’s devilishly hard work!

Realizing that Christina is about to lose control any moment and I’ll receive a message from her saying she couldn’t hold it in, I quickly approach her while her bottom is still burning and smells! At first, I thought she had diarrhea, but then I realized my mistake – Christina had indeed consumed a large portion, and I discovered that later.

Christina stood up and looked teasingly at the massive and smelly heap on the plate right in front of my face, saying, “I don’t know how you’re going to eat this now.” She knows I’m not as strong as Vitaliy, and this is a severe test for me, but if I can’t eat it – if I refuse or throw up – I’ll have to pay Christina a hefty fine, which motivates me to swallow anything she gives me, no matter how big or stinky.

Christina sat in front of me, watching me struggle as I ate her foul-smelling heap, spoonful after spoonful, cramming it into my stinky mouth!

On that day, I didn’t have time to prepare the room for shooting, as everything happened so suddenly. While we were driving, Christina really needed to use the bathroom, so I decided to start filming immediately without an introduction and record the foreplay after feeding. Finally, after 25 minutes, we arrived, and Christina put on sexy lingerie, constantly pushing me – “Faster, faster, I’m going to shit myself!” She was very angry, and I’ve never set up video cameras as quickly as I did that time!

To accommodate Christina, I decided to use the simplest scenario I could think of – a plate, which she was happy with, and the perfect comfortable position for the toilet.

I put on a mask with tiny eyeholes and took a plate, kneeling down. Christina climbed onto a chair, and a massive, smelly heap was dropped right into my plate – first a pink-brown sausage, followed by a few brown ones, then liquid shit with a loud, juicy fart. The smell hit my nose – slightly sweet (or so my brain perceived it), but heavy, not sharp or sour.


This was a rare occasion when my tongue was on fire! I usually drink a glass after a session for good digestion, but this time, the moment I took a sip, my tongue started to burn, as if it had been scraped with an iron grater.

It’s difficult for me to describe the thoughts that raced through my mind as the heap was right in front of my face, accompanied by a strong smell – it was both shocking and exhilarating, filled with fear and delight! The thought that lingered in my mind was, “The main thing is not to start feeling sick; otherwise, a nightmare will begin.” Every experienced toilet slave knows that if you start vomiting and your stomach starts making noises, swallowing more becomes hell, or you have to wait a few minutes.

There was a truly large and smelly heap in front of me, and I chewed carefully, quickly, and tried to swallow in large gulps, but it often turned out to be just small sips. I felt different seeds and textures, and the tastes changed a lot – sometimes bitter pieces came through, but not many, and sometimes sweetish ones. Overall, the heap was reminiscent of mashed potatoes in consistency, but the sausages were slightly hard and had their own density and taste.


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