Indulging in Feces Fantasies: A Shameless Act

Experience the ultimate degradation as you witness the explicit actions of my slaves, submerged in filth. The thought of them, covered in excrement, smeared with feces, and engaging in sexual acts, is a delicacy that I cannot resist. My dear Angela, your cravings for humiliation and debasement have led you here. Today, I have prepared a feast of excrement, just for you. My loyal slave woman will assist you in partaking in this indulgence. I will penetrate you with a strap-on, while my hand pleasures you. And when it’s all over, you will leave my presence, still covered in feces, and carry the shame of your actions with you. You will be dirty, with excrement in your mouth, nose, ears, and ass. Your entire body will be soiled, and you will have to hide in the bushes, running and trembling with fear, lest anyone sees you in such a state. Embrace the humiliation, my dear Angela, and let the feces consume you.

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