Specialized Toilet Training

It was a significant day for everyone. On this day, our human toilet-shit-eater was put to the test in a public restroom, where he was fed large quantities of fresh excrement from myself and a few female friends. He devoured three portions of our feces, as well as five days’ worth of my own stored stool. I was extremely proud of his efforts, but this did not signify the end of his trials for the day, as I had further plans to challenge him.

Another female slave expressed the desire to defecate, and I decided that all excrement produced in the house that day would be directed into the mouth of our human toilet. He positioned himself beneath her and caught her feces and urine in his mouth. I too relieved myself into his mouth, hosing down the mixture of waste already present. He swallowed the concoction, choking as he did so, but managing to keep it all down.

Once he had finished consuming the waste, I gathered up any remaining feces that had fallen and forced it into his mouth, allowing him to continue chewing and swallowing as we went for tea with the female slave. Upon our return, we found him still masticating the feces. I assisted him in finishing it off, as his stomach had become so full from consuming all the waste and urine that he began to vomit. This proved beneficial, as it helped to clear out any excess. To further aid in the cleansing process, I inserted a strap-on down his throat. He vomited, and the process proved to be quite enjoyable. We plan to repeat this gathering again, but this time with five women in attendance, ensuring that our human toilet has plenty of waste to consume.

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