Marching Through the Forest as a Human Toilet

Indulge in the outdoors with me, as I embark on a woodland walk, accompanied by my devoted toilet slave, Kat. On this particular excursion, I felt the urge to relieve myself, yet we were still a distance from the comfort of our home. Rather than waiting, I decided to seize the moment and turn Kat into my personal latrine.

As I prepared to defecate, I instructed Kat to position herself on the ground and open her mouth as wide as possible. The hood of her jacket enhanced the scene, resembling a toilet rim, further emphasizing her newfound role.

With great ease, the contents of my bowels emerged, breaking off in large chunks. Greedily, Kat accepted my waste, consuming it without hesitation, as a toilet would. The pile of feces grew upon her face and mouth, drawing the attention of flies, eagerly feasting on the newfound pile, confirming Kat’s role as a living waste receptacle.

As I finished my business, I contemplated how much waste remained. I then decided to shove the excess into Kat’s mouth using my foot, leaving her smeared and filthy. Fortunately, Kat was dressed in a snow-white jacket, perfect for cleaning my hands.

Now it is time for me to return home via car, while Kat must continue her journey on foot, proudly displaying her soiled appearance as a testament to her role as a shit-eater and living toilet. Let everyone bear witness to her degradation, as she perseveres, covered entirely in excrement.

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