Savor the Delicacy: Fruit Infused with My Excrement

It’s mealtime. Fetch me some fruit, dear subordinate, and don’t forget your plate. Here, have some fruit. Stop! I’ll defecate on them first. Now eat. Consume every last morsel. What, peasant, do you find this savory? Ah, finally, you’ve learned to savor my excrement. Eat, chew, I want you to consume every last bit of excrement. Otherwise, you’ll be resting near the toilet bowl today. Consume with salivation, or I’ll urinate in your mouth. Lick the remnants of excrement off your plate. You are nothingness, your place is beneath my ass, always consuming my feces. Return to your place, toilet scum. Wait there for the evening, for I have prepared a stinking treat for you in my stomach.

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