Savoring My Personal Treasures

Dear connoisseurs, feast your eyes on this exclusive collection of my hand-picked moments. In this video, my devoted servant indulges in his favorite pastime – savoring my offerings directly from the source. He begs for it, licks it, and I gladly oblige, feeding him my creations, pushing them into his eager mouth. At times, he may vomit, but that doesn’t stop him from devouring it all, mixed with his own vomit. It’s a sight to behold, a spectacle of desire and captivation. And I can’t wait to do it all over again.

1. A Morning of Complete Toiletry Duties
I take pleasure in nourishing my living toilet with a variety of treats. His sole responsibility is to consume all that I produce, and I’ve been saving up especially for him, though he remains oblivious. I stand over him, peeing through my panties into his waiting mouth, defecating in my panties, and forcing him to consume it all. While the mouth of a slave may serve as a convenient washing machine, it is not always the most effective, and for that, he will be punished!

2. Consuming My Every Morning Gift
As the day begins, I feel the call to relieve myself, but I’m feeling far too lazy. My toilet, ever the dutiful servant, crawls to my aid. He clings to my bottom, eager to consume every last morsel. And should he dare to dirty the bed, he’ll have to eat that as well. He must consume it all, every bit that I produce, straight from my toilet mouth.

3. Relishing My Lengthy Logs and Shit Vomit
Today, I have a special surprise in store for my devoted shit-eater. A long, thick log awaits him. First, he must worship it, giving it the attention it deserves. He’s to suck it, make it his personal blowjob, savoring each piece, tasting the essence of my creation. I’ll feed him everything, fucking his throat with my offering, and whatever he spits out, he’ll eat again. Over and over, I’ll feed him my shit, and his own shit-vomit. I’ll fill him up, satisfying his cravings. Consume my shit, and enjoy the flavor.

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