Transforming Mundane: A Tale of Sink and Log

Tired of the monotony of conventional toilets, our protagonist yearns for a dash of adventure in her daily rituals, particularly in the realm of pooping. A sink, standing tall and inviting, catches her eye. The challenge of lifting her ample form to reach this lofty target is part of the allure. She aims to place her colossal turd, not haphazardly beside the sink, but directly in it. Determined, she uses her strength to position her buttocks at the right height, allowing the substantial log to slide effortlessly into the sink.

The sight of the enormous, odorous mass in the sink is both astonishing and a source of pride for her. She offers close-up views and various angles for our appreciation. Alas, no toilet paper is available for cleaning up, but she decides to forego this ritual for the day. The question of what to do with the log remains. For now, she chooses to leave it there, a testament to her unique adventure.

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