Savoring Laxative Sweets

Ah, once again I’ve indulged in an excessive amount of these delightful sugar-free laxative candies. With one in my mouth, a lollipop, I make my way to the toilet with haste. My most recent exhalation was not a silent one, and there is more to follow. I invite you to witness the spectacle. I bend over, exposing my backside, inviting you to observe the damage. My stomach growls, and I clutch it, wincing as powerful, audible farts and watery stools escape. I continue to savor my laxative lollipop throughout. I stand up periodically to display the filth accumulating on my anus and the toilet. Soon, I feel the urge to relieve myself once more, and so I resume my seat, resulting in another bout of watery stools. Finally, I exhibit the extent of the soiling within this luxurious toilet. The diarrhea has splattered everywhere. And the smell, oh my, quite potent. Shall we have another candy?

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